This paper explores the role of alcohol consumption for football supporters attending matches in Scotland and England; the implications of current alcohol restrictions for fan practices; and the broader exposure of fans to alcohol sponsorship and marketing in a naturalistic real-world setting. The study utilises participatory ethnographic research methods to yield rich data on contexts, forms, and experiences of alcohol consumption among football fans. Six observations were conducted in total (3 in England, 3 in Scotland), and involved equipping and training groups of fans to use audio-visual recording equipment to document their alcohol-related experiences and perspectives on match-days. Participants were subsequently invited to view and to discuss the video and audio data which they had collected. Discussions allowed for participant reflections and interpretations on the recorded events, activities, and comments, for example on the role of alcohol consumption in social relations within fan groups, the types of alcohol consumption that occurred during different stages of the day, and how fans viewed and experienced regulations on alcohol consumption. The study is part of a wider research project focusing on the importance and role of alcohol consumption within football supporter cultures, funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).