6–10 Jun 2022
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Talking about SDP/SFD in Latin America

8 Jun 2022, 11:40


Simona Safarikova Arnost Svoboda Billy Graeff


SFD is already a well-known concept but its wording has been very diverse. Expressions and abbreviations as SFD (sport for development), SDP (sport for development and peace), SAD (sport and development) or SiD (sport in development) have been used already interchangeably. Until now, there has not been much academic information discussing SDP coming from Latin America. It is not clear why this has been happening. The academic research shows that Latin American SDP represents only 3% of the academic literature. The presented research held under the IOC grant scheme focuses on the situation in the context of Latin America and the SDP field. The main research questions relate to what activities are subsumed within the SDP label and how are these activities named and perceived in Latin American countries. The research included several selected SDP organisations from Colombia, Uruguay and Brazil. Through interviews and focus groups (organised online due to COVID restrictions), the interviewees were asked to form their ideas about the SDP context in their home countries. They were asked what activities they pursue and how they are named and perceived. The preliminary results show that SDP-related initiatives in Latin America include several specifics concerning the nature of concerned projects and concepts they use when describing the activities connected to sport for development.

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