With society gets more heterogenous, negative attitudes towards children that are considered different resulting in discrimination and accompanying conflicts is everyday life for many children–and that applies for sport, too (Wagner et al., 2018). Thus, dealing with diversity and mutual social acceptance is crucial in sport education of children that this study aims to analyse. With these results, evidence-based implications can be derived to strengthen teachers’ and trainers’ competencies dealing sucessfully with heteregenous sport groups.
Applying the framework of Koster et al. (2012) theory-guided data was gathered by a standardised questionnaire with 117 students of inclusive sport classes (5 to 7th grade, diverse in particular with respect to a disability and migration background). The questionnaire was composed of proofed instruments according to the theoretical framework at the individual level of the students (e.g., perspective taking, conflicts, social interactions) and at the teaching and class level (e.g., class climate, lesson design, attitudes).
SEM model analysis revealed that tolerance and acceptance of diversity is present when students have a positive attitude towards diversity, show an constructive approach to diversity, and thereby develop positive social contacts and mutual interactions between their class mates with no persisting social conflicts within the class existing.
For effective teacher training, specific attention should be paid to create a diversity-friendly class climate for the students (e.g. cooperation, support, community) and to enhance positive attitudes of the students towards diversity (e.g., equity beliefs, comfort, value) as these are the strongest predictors for social acceptance between the students.