It is a widespread political assumption that membership in local sports clubs can enhance migrants’ accumulation of social capital and promote social inclusion. In line with this assumption, Norwegian sports clubs have, since the late 1990s, been assigned a central role in promoting the integration of migrants into Norwegian society. When evaluating the integrative potential of sports clubs, a general distinction is often made between ethnic mixed clubs and ethnic minority clubs, with the expectation that the former holds the potential to produce social capital. However, it has been argued that politicians and sport governing bodies overemphasize the value of social capital and its ability to resolve social segregation. Instead, researchers have suggested that the social potential of sport lies in the individual’s opportunity to construct their identity and find their position in relation to others through the processes of in-and-exclusion.
Aims: In this study, I aim to explore how unaccompanied minor refugees (UMR) experience accumulating social capital through participating in ethnic mixed clubs and spontaneous sports activities. Furthermore, I will examine how involvement in sport can influence UMRs’ identity construction.
Justifications: Within the existing literature on sport, refugees, and forced migration, there is a lack of voice given to UMRs to discuss their own experiences and views on the role of sport in social capital accumulation and identity construction. This study aims to contribute to this research gap.
Implications: The study aims to inform sports policy and enhance the understanding of sport as an arena of integration for UMR.