Objectives: The goal of this paper is to outline the complexity of sports betting social practice. Main research question is: "How to bet on sport?"
Methods: The paper is based on 30 in-depth interviews with regular sports bettors. The research was conducted in 2019-2020.
Theoretical background: The paper use Practice Theory as a theoretical frame, especially works of Schatzki, Reckwitz, Shove & Pantzar & Watson, and Nicolini. Key categories are “general understanding” and “practical understanding”. They are useful to explore the background of the decision-making process.
Findings: The research shows that betting on sport is complex and multidimensional activity. They are usually seen as a social problem. Showing them as a social practice helps us to follow their internal dynamics. According to the interviews, the sports betting process consists of two main phases. “Planning” is the phase of initial recognition of the bookmaker's offer and selection of events. “Making” is the moment of analysing selected events and betting money on them.
Discussion: In the process of "doing" bets, bettors use a variety of resources. These can be divided into four groups: (1) Basic principles – broader life assumptions based on attitudes towards risk or a sense of control; (2) General understanding - using common knowledge of the sport; (3) Analytical strategies - using specific methods of betting analysis (e.g. sports statistics); and (4) Hacks& tricks - specific personal tactics to increase betting chances (e.g. magic practices).
Conclusions: The paper underlines that the practice of sports betting is a "deep story". Individual betting pattern is not only a result of bettor's sport knowledge but also many other resources.