6–10 Jun 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone

Using the capability approach in participatory research projects for physical activity: Guidelines for implementation

8 Jun 2022, 16:10


Maike Till Karim Abu-Omar Susanne Ferschl Thomas Abel Klaus Pfeifer Peter Gelius


Sen’s capability approach has recently received increasing attention in health promotion. However, there is little guidance on how to use the approach in actual project work. This study used the experience from four physical activity projects to develop a framework and guidelines for the effective application of the approach.
We first developed a theoretical model and then analyzed data from four empirical studies that used the capability approach. Findings were amended based on feedback from project researchers. On this basis, guidelines were drafted for using the capability approach in future physical activity research projects. The guidelines were finalized using external expert input and a consensus workshop among the involved project researchers.
The resulting theoretical model of the “capability cycle” could effectively be used to analyze capability mechanisms in the pilot projects. Interpretations of the capability approach varied between projects due to the use of different, discipline-specific theoretical constructs (e.g. capacity building, health literacy). Further, projects implemented and evaluated the capability approach in different ways. Nonetheless, project researchers agreed on a joint set of guidelines, which comprised recommendations regarding the project planning, implementation, and especially evaluation.
Our findings provide practical guidance on conceptualizing, implementing, and evaluating future research projects that focus on improving capabilities for physical activity. Additional research is warranted to add experience from other projects.
The guidelines developed in this study may be a good initial point of departure for research groups interested in using the capability approach to improve the effectiveness and impact of projects to promote physical activity.

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