Physical activity (PA) behaviours have seen significant changes during the COVID-19 pandemic, and concern about social disparities has grown. Limitations concerning public indoor sports facilities have notably structured leisure-time PA. This study focuses on the reduced use of indoor facilities (RI), investigating the effects among adults of different social groups.
The data (n=738) is from three surveys in 2020–2021 and represents 18–79-year-old residents of two Finnish suburbs characterised by low socioeconomic status. Statistical methods including regression analyses were used to examine: (1) factors explaining RI, (2) factors explaining changes in the total amount of PA among those with RI, and (3) associations between RI and changes in the use of other environments.
RI was typical among the respondents and related to a decrease in PA amount. Female gender, higher education and higher weekly PA level explained a higher risk for RI. Among those with RI, changes in PA amount were associated with female gender and minority language. RI was associated with an increased use of the home environment, outdoor sport facilities, unbuilt nature, and streets.
The results lack evidence of a polarising effect of RI on the PA of residents of different socioeconomic status in the two Finnish suburbs. However, gender differences are noteworthy. All types of PA environments available appeared important as compensatory places.
Pandemic-related restrictions have had a negative effect on PA levels, but equal access to versatile PA environments may prevent intensification of social disparities.