Election programs are a good predictor for coalition agreements and the actions of politicians (Merz & Riegel 2013). Only a limited number of studies adress sport related content in election programs (Schmidt 1979, Chaney 2015) and no studies analyse the content of election programs in relation to coalition agreements. This paper will close this gap.
The sport related content of the election programs of political parties for the German national election 2021 is compared with the sport related content of the coalition agreement using a mixed method design.
The results show that the sport related content of the coalition agreement is closer to the content of the programs of governing parties than to that of other parties.
The outcome of national elections are relevant for the sports policy of a national state. In regard of this it seems to be an appropriate way for sport governing bodies to influence the content of election programs to reach their goals.
The sport related content of the election programs of political parties are a good predictor for the coalition agreement between the later governing parties. To influence political programs seems to be a good way for influencing political outcome.
Chaney, P. (2015). Electoral discourse and the party politicization of sport in multi-level systems. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 7 (2), 159-180.
Merz, N. & Riegel, S. (2013). Die Programmatik der Parteien. In O. Niedermayer (Hrsg.), Handbuch Parteienforschung (S. 211-238). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Schmidt, K. (1979). Sportprogramme der politischen Parteien. Wiesbaden: Deutscher Fachschriften Verlag Braun.