Sport in general and in particular men’s team sport have long been regarded as typical ‘bastions of homophobia’. Considering there are no openly gay men among active elite team sport athletes in the relative gay friendly society like the Netherlands, men’s team sport may still be regarded as an arena with a low acceptance of homosexuality. Former studies showed relative positive attitudes towards gay men among male team sport players that could be interpreted as signs towards a more inclusive masculinity in men’s team sport. Simultaneously, results showed how a heteronormative culture was reproduced by the continuing prevalence of homonegative microaggressions. Over the last ten years Dutch national government supported policy initiatives by a gay-straight alliance including sport federations to enhance a more inclusive climate for LGBT people, with a specific focus on men’s team sports from grass root to professional levels (and in particular football). However, the impact of such initiatives on the day-to-day playing culture in men’s sport teams are yet unclear. Our main research question is: what are the experiences, attitudes and opinions regarding the acceptance of homosexuality and the prevalence of homonegative microaggressions in men’s sport teams and what developments can be witnessed in recent years? We will present and discuss the results of data currently being collected through webbased questionnaires among men active in grassroot team sports, identifying as either gay, bisexual or heterosexual and among professional hockey and football players. Outcomes will be compared to earlier measurements among all these groups in 2010.