Room: Hörsaal
This workshop focuses upon the publishing process from three perspectives: Author, Reviewer and Editor. First, the intention is to increase transparency about the process of working with your paper after you hit ‘submit,’ including the processes that the paper goes through once it has left the author’s desk. I will first discuss the process of publication from the Editorial perspective, including the technical check, initial reviews from the editorial team, and reviewer selection. We will then take the perspective of a Reviewer, and discuss what the reviewer is likely to ‘see,’ what they are likely to focus upon, and how they may construct their feedback. Third, and moving back to the Editorial perspective, we will talk through editorial procedures taken once reviews of a paper are received. We will then complete the session by moving back to the perspective of the Author by talking through what you can do, as an author, to negotiate the often difficult and sometimes ‘distal’ process of responding to
reviewer comments. We will finish the session by co-creating a list of ‘do’s’ and ‘don’ts’, share experiences, and talk about good practice to ensure the publishing process runs as smoothly from the perspective of all three roles.