Chair: Maikel Waardenburg
Room: D4A19, Building D Level 4
The anti-doping fight is immersed in a process of international harmonization led by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) whose task is to create the regulations that must be applied by stakeholders (States, IF, and other members of the sport movement). Anti-doping regulations are renewed through consultation processes, presented as “democratic”, aiming to collect their contributions. This...
Research shows a burgeoning literature on how effective implementation of sports partnerships between civil society sports associations and municipalities serve to address health and welfare issues. Often due to limited project periods and differences between partners, studies identify various challenges and possibilities regarding these partnerships. However, there is still seen a shortfall...
Almost all Dutch municipalities have a Local Sport Agreement (LSA). The LSA can be regarded as a form of ‘collaborative governance’. The main principle is that constructive collaboration between the local administration, voluntary sport clubs and other public and/or private organisations leads to outcomes that could not otherwise be accomplished. The aim of this study was to trace...