Combining upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) and UV-sensitive polymers to form a drug delivery system (DDS) is a promising strategy to circumvent drawbacks of direct UV excitation in clinical applications. This study tuned up core-shell UCNPs with shell thickness of 6 nm and emission wavelength falling in the ultraviolet region at 350 nm under near-infrared (NIR) light irradiation at 980 nm. An amphiphilic block copolymer with UV-responsive o-nitrobenzyl ester (ONB) next to glutathione (GSH)-responsive disulfide linkage was synthesized and formulated into polymersome. Core-shell UCNPs and doxorubicin (DOX) were simultaneously encapsulated into the polymersome during double emulsion for theranotics. The combination of NIR light-inducing photolysis of the ONB linkage and GSH cleaving the disulfide linkage enhanced DOX release for chemotherapy. This intriguing polymersome of well-defined structures responsive to NIR light and reducing agents offers potential for DDS applications.