Despite the success of a handful of companies and the overabundance of research the tissue engineering & regenerative medicine (TE&RM) community has still not delivered the more then 3 decades ago promised health care and commercial break through’s. Yet, rendition of research outcomes into clinical application is still the rallying cry of the modern TE&RM establishment. Deciphering observations from basic investigation protocols (e.g., in silico, in vitro, ex vivo, or in vivo, ,etc.) to address into not even clinical routines but first in human studies has diverse challenges. Exploitation of the vast literature uncritically to defend further research, regardless of their authenticity, clinical significance, vigour or quality, is often the most hurried path to write and fund grant proposals and to obtaining publishable data, even though these data inherit no translational and often little scientific relevance. The research data manufacturing machinery is authorised but real world applicability and impact are often compromised. Muted translational achievements continue to plague most aspects of TE&RM research as the development of bedside to bench and back again approach possess challenges that most academics but also TE&RM companies are not typically trained to overcome. Based on the above arguments this talk will critically review two key research areas in TE&RM, namely scaffold guided tissue engineering and bioprinting.