Nanoparticles have attracted a great deal of interest as non-viral vectors for gene delivery. However, achieving targeted delivery is difficult. Local particle delivery is achieved by exploiting the sensitivity and responsivity of cells to their mechanical environment. Particle surfaces offer the possibility to modify the properties of existing structures and determine cell behaviour through induced topographical cues. By assembling particles electrostatically, cells are only able to internalise those that they are in direct contact with; facilitating local delivery. Herein, we engineer a surface-based approach to use these physical interactions for targeted delivery of small interfering RNA (siRNA) to suppress expression of green fluorescent protein (GFP). Silica particles (500 nm) are used as a templating core for siRNA-based polyelectrolyte multilayers. These particles are then coated with hyaluronic acid and electrostatically adsorbed to a surface using poly(L-lysine). We demonstrate that A549 remove particles from the surface with focussed ion beam imaging (FIB-SEM). Culture of GFP-expressing A549 on siRNA particle surfaces led to subsequent particle removal, internalisation and GFP-knockdown. This represents a powerful approach for designing biomaterial surfaces with local bio-instructive behaviour.