INTRODUCTION: Millions of bone reconstruction operations are conducted every year. A promising alternative to autologous bone grafts are customized bone scaffolds. Biofunctional custom implants fills the defect in the tissue and carry mechanical loads. The presence of groups with hydrophilic properties (e.g., -OH) on biomaterial surface is preferred. For this reason, the modification of the surface of polymeric and metal materials is becoming more and more popular. In the field of regenerative medicine, homogeneous, biocompatible, bioactive coatings stimulating the regeneration of bone or cartilage tissue. All these conditions are met by nano-hydroxyapatite layers deposited by sonocoating method. Hydroxyapatite (HAP) is the main mineral component of the bone, responsible for the stiffness and mechanical strength.
METHODS: GoHAP NPs were obtained using the hydrothermal microwave synthesis method described in detail by Kusnieruk et al. [1]. The fabricated nanoparticles were used in the process of coating the surfaces of titanium and polymeric implants by sonochemical method. The method of sonochemical deposition of hydroxyapatite layers was described by B. Wozniak, U. Szalaj, et al. [2] Three types of obtained nanoparticles, differing in particle size, were separately selected for coating: GoHAP with the particle size about 10 nm, 15 nm, 45 nm. As a cotrol commercial HA Biocer was used.
RESULTS: This work concerns a unique eco-friendly microwave synthesis process enabling strict size control of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles (GoHAP™) in the range of 10±1 to 42±4 nm by controlling the synthesis parameters such as time, pressure and temperature. The complete characterization of GoHAP™ nanoparticles and the relationship between material properties and particle size has been demonstrated. This work presents the mechanism of formation of the nanoparticles layer deposited by sonocoating, as well as the relationship between the size of nanoparticles used in the coating process and the properties of the deposited layer. The presentation shows the kinetics of the nanoparticles layer deposition process depending on the GoHAP nanoparticles size as well as the properties of the obtained layers, such as morphology or contact angle, biocompatibility.
DISCUSSION & CONCLUSIONS: In case of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles, the particle size affects the efficiency of the sonocoating deposition process as well as the properties of the hydroxyapatite layers. The use of size-controlled nanoparticles makes it possible to control the properties of the biomaterial, e.g. the amount of calcium ions released by using nanoparticles of different sizes and dissolution times. For this reason, special attention should be paid to the nanoparticle size in the design of new materials for bone tissue regeneration.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The following research was funded by the Centre for Preclinical Research and Technology -CePT II from the Operational Program of the Masovian Voivodship (RPMA.01.01.00-14-8476/17-01).