4–6 Sept 2024
University of Salerno, Fisciano Campus - Buiding E1
Europe/Rome timezone

Conference Secretariat

Development of a Low-Cost IoT-based Sensor for Early-Stage Concrete Monitoring

5 Sept 2024, 12:30
Room E (University of Salerno, Fisciano Campus - Building E1)

Room E

University of Salerno, Fisciano Campus - Building E1


Concrete is an essential construction component that needs to be examined carefully for an early strength assessment in order to guarantee structural integrity and long-term durability. This paper delves into the viability of utilizing low-cost sensors, interfaced with an Arduino-based microcontroller, for real-time data acquisition in concrete structures. The study focuses on their application in the early stages to investigate the thermal cycles due to hydration reaction, particularly within macro-synthetic fibre reinforced concrete. DHT22 sensors are used to measure the concrete sample's temperature and humidity parameters. These sensors are linked to a NodeMCU microcontroller that has an integrated WiFi module to provide real-time data updates on the cloud. The programming code is created using the Arduino IDE platform and then loaded into the NodeMCU microcontroller to control sensor functions. The validation process consists of an early laboratory test and the placement of an additional DHT22 sensor outside the concrete sample to monitor the surrounding temperature and humidity to evaluate the system's operation and sensor´s accuracy. The collected data reveal promising insights, particularly in investigating corrosion within embedded reinforced rebar for future researches.

Primary authors

Mahyad Komary (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain) Petar Bajić (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain) Nikola Tošić (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain) Albert De la Fuente (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain) José Turmo (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain)

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