8–12 Oct 2024
Hotel Croatia
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Considering Word Formation in Compiling Dictionaries

12 Oct 2024, 09:30
Bobara Hall (Hotel Croatia)

Bobara Hall

Hotel Croatia


Boris Kern


In compiling dictionaries, considering word formation is crucial in several phases: a) selecting criteria for including words in the dictionary, b) uniformity in dictionary definitions of headwords that have some word-formation relation, and c) consistency in qualifying certain senses as stylistically marked. Regarding the criteria for including words in the dictionary, this article pays special attention to statistical analysis of the correlation between multistage derivatives and the frequency of individual words in word-formation chains, in corpus sources, and 260in the case at hand the Gigafida 2.0 and metaFida corpora. It is assumed that the frequency of a word decreases as its formation stage becomes higher. This article presents dictionary solutions as indicated by dictionary concepts for the monolingual dictionary of standard Slovenian.

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