8–12 Oct 2024
Hotel Croatia
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Looking for Sense in Nonsense: Valency of Negative Forms of Nouns and Adjectives in the NomVallex Lexicon

12 Oct 2024, 10:30
Bobara Hall (Hotel Croatia)

Bobara Hall

Hotel Croatia


Veronika Kolářová Jiří Mírovský


NomVallex is a manually annotated valency lexicon of Czech nouns and adjectives that enables research into various language phenomena related to valency, including the comparison of valency properties of affirmative and negative forms of words. This paper presents new developments in the way the lexicon facilitates research into word-level negation, explaining the reasoning behind the proposed lexicographic treatment. Differentiating between direct negation and lexicalized negation, we discuss whether or not the negative forms of words should be listed separately in a valency lexicon. We argue that, while lexicalized negation has to be assigned an individual entry, direct negation of nouns and adjectives should be treated within an entry for affirmative forms. Considering various aspects of word-level negation, including the employment of negative forms of nouns and adjectives in light verb constructions or phrasemes, we describe negation-related attributes applied to the data of the lexicon. As a case study, the facilities provided by the lexicon are used to illustrate use and distribution of negative forms of Czech deadjectival nouns, and their valency properties are compared to those of the corresponding affirmative forms.


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