8–12 Oct 2024
Hotel Croatia
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Gender in Electronic Dictionaries and Terminology Databases: State of the Art and Future Directions

11 Oct 2024, 16:00
Ragusa Hall (Hotel Croatia)

Ragusa Hall

Hotel Croatia


Andrea Abel Natascia Ralli


What strategies are currently being applied in electronic dictionaries and terminology databases to gender representation, with a particular focus on feminine agentives? Starting with an overview of the state of the art as to gender studies in lexicography and terminology, in this paper we reflect upon the analyzed approaches in electronic dictionaries and terminology databases, collecting both good practices and concrete limitations that hinder an equal gender representation by contrasting different linguistic and socio-cultural contexts. Since lexical resources can be considered not only utility instruments but also “agents” that reflect society, there is a risk that they contribute, for example, to perpetuate gender stereotypes. Thus, it is important for lexicographers and terminologists to discuss and establish methods for avoiding gender bias in lexical resources.


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