8–12 Oct 2024
Hotel Croatia
Europe/Warsaw timezone

The Dubrovnik Idiom Through Time: Crafting a Diachronic Dictionary

11 Oct 2024, 17:00
Šipun Hall (Hotel Croatia)

Šipun Hall

Hotel Croatia


Ivana Lovrić Jović Martina Kramarić


This article discusses the project, Dictionary of the Dubrovnik Idiom, conducted at the Institute for the Croatian Language. The project aims to develop a borndigital diachronic dictionary of the Dubrovnik idiom, covering the period from the 16th century to the end of the 20th century. The dictionary will be based on a historical corpus compiled within the project’s scope, featuring texts from the same period. Upon completion, this dictionary will be publicly available in digital form, providing valuable insights into the linguistic evolution of the Dubrovnik region. The creation of such a dictionary will meet the needs of the scientific and cultural public as well as the citizens of Dubrovnik. Specifically, the Dubrovnik idiom is relevant because it played an important role in the standardization of the Croatian language. Additionally, well-known Renaissance and Baroque literary works are composed in it, and today it is in decline, which concerns its speakers.


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