Chr. s Hadjichrysanthou, President of FSF Europe
Chr. s Hadjichrysanthou, President of FSF Europe
Appointment of a colleague responsible for the conference minutes.
Adoption of the Minutes of Eurogroup meeting at GA 2023
1.5 Adoption of the agenda of Euro-conference 2024.
1.6 IFATSEA European structure - Experts by Costas Christoforou
1.7 IFATSEA Director Europe report.
Adoption of the Minutes of Eurogroup meeting at GA 2023
1.5 Adoption of the agenda of Euro-conference 2024.
1.6 IFATSEA European structure - Experts by Costas Christoforou
1.7 IFATSEA Director Europe report.
Adoption of the Minutes of Eurogroup meeting at GA 2023
1.5 Adoption of the agenda of Euro-conference 2024.
1.6 IFATSEA European structure - Experts by Costas Christoforou
1.7 IFATSEA Director Europe report.
What actions and activities have you engaged in during the past year
serving the ATSEP professionals