Few studies have focused on people with hearing loss and intellectual disabilities engaging in gambling activities. Less is known about people with visual impairments and their sports betting activities in the non-Western context. This study employs a sociological approach to analyse sports betting among students with visual impairments to understand how social structures and institutions may have failed them resulting in their active engagement in gambling as an alternative to their survival. Seven male adults aged between 27-34 years participated using semi-structured interviews, which were conducted face-to-face, recorded, transcribed and thematically analysed with the Braun and Clarke model. Findings show that sports betting prevails in communities, peer persuasion and family relations serve as an inducer for students with visual impairments due to it becoming an institutionalized norm among university students. While some are attracted by wins, others bet to demonstrate their passion for football and leagues by experimenting with their entrepreneurial skills. The study recommends stakeholders' education, providing better policy and constantly reminding them to bet responsibly or desist from gambling.