14–17 Aug 2023
America/Toronto timezone

Exploring Safety in Para Sport: The Rule of Two- Who Does it Really Protect?

15 Aug 2023, 15:30
CRXC407 (Crossroads Building)


Crossroads Building


Karmen Mohindru (Western University) David Howe Carla Silva


To date, it has been assumed that the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) has the control and influence to achieve a safe and ethically sound environment for all its athletes. However, little qualitative research has been done to confirm this to be the case. The prevalence of athlete maltreatment in Canada was recently brought to light in a study conducted by AthletesCAN which determined that an overwhelming number of athletes have experienced at least one category of harm. While quantitative research that highlights the extent of maltreatment provides some insight, the exclusionary and harmful culture present within sport must also be explored through qualitative studies. Though current literature regarding maltreatment and non-accidental violence explores harm perpetuated towards athletes by coaches, sport administrators and medical staff, the experiences of Para sport athletes are underrepresented. Drawing upon qualitative studies of safeguarding in mainstream sporting contexts we explore how Para sport can be made safer through the use of Goffman’s dramaturgical model that enables us to understand harm and the effectiveness of safeguarding policies in Para sport contexts. Ultimately, this study aims to highlight aspects of Para sport culture that normalize athlete abuse and maltreatment as well as gaps in policy in order to promote the development of adequate safeguarding practices at the organizational level.

Primary author

Karmen Mohindru (Western University)


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