14–17 Aug 2023
America/Toronto timezone

The Canadian Sport Media Cultural Complex in the Digital Era

15 Aug 2023, 15:30
CRXC307 (Crossroads Building)


Crossroads Building


Éric George (Uqam) Anouk Bélanger Philippe-Antoine Lupien Bachir Sirois-Moumni Matthieu Meignan Samuël Brisebois


The media sport cultural complex remains undocumented in Canada in the digital era. Drawing on research carried in other countries (Australia, UK, USA), our project focusses on the media sport content economy (Hutchins and Rowe 2012) and on the cultural dimension of the media sport complex (Rowe 2004) in Canada. In this presentation, we propose to map out the sport media field in Canada and to analyse both the structure and content of the main sport platforms (DAZN, fubo.tv, RDS, TSN and TVA Sport). Digital and social media are transforming the sports media dynamic in many ways in Canada and elsewhere. Hence, new digital environments are laying the groundwork for a complex and fragmented process involving new business models, new platforms, and new arrangements between the media, sport, and entertainment industries (Hutchins and Rowe, 2012; López-González et al. 2017; Meese et al, 2006).

In this presentation, we identify the main Canadian players of the media sport content economy and develop a macro analysis . Our analysis aims to show that, while digital media offer new terrains for the renewal of practices in the production and distribution, the boundaries between new and mainstream media are rather fluid as they extend reach into each other’s territory. Our analysis highlights lines of continuity and rupture from linear to over-the top television sport in Canada.
Our analytical themes include : digital turn of Major League Sport; sport platform politics; limited free access; internationalisation ; diversification of content; language differences in the Canadian context.

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