14–17 Aug 2023
America/Toronto timezone

Thinking Together for Tomorrow’s Sport: Quebec Stakeholders Co-constructing a Vision

16 Aug 2023, 16:30
CRXC040 (Crossroads Building)


Crossroads Building


Stephanie Radziszewski (Université Laval) Sylvie Parent Lydia Duchesne


Researchers, athletes, decision-makers, and the media have documented numerous instances of sport-related violence (SRV) in recent years. There is a growing understanding of the need to rethink the sporting system to tackle SRV more efficiently. This communication will present a two-phase study that rallied sport stakeholders to develop an integrated action plan to tackle SRV in the province of Quebec. In the first phase, 37 sport stakeholders (administrators, athletes, coaches, officials, parents, and researchers) participated in one of six online workshops to co-construct a vision of a sport environment that respects the safety and integrity of all involved. The research team then conducted a content analysis to develop a shared vision that focused on a change in culture that would emphasize fun, development, and well-being rather than just performance. Six orientations for change, such as establishing a clear framework and definitions, or providing support, from prevention to evaluation were also identified. In the second phase, this vision was presented during an online survey. Participants from each stakeholder group were asked to suggest actions that would lead the sport community closer to its shared vision. The results of this survey will be analyzed using content analysis to form the basis of an action plan. This study shows that bringing together various sport stakeholders is not only useful, but it is also necessary. Before developing prevention initiatives, it is essential to create a shared vision including all stakeholders around the shared goal of tackling SRV.

Primary author

Stephanie Radziszewski (Université Laval)


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