This conference consists to think on the ethical and the epistemological issues of a research intervention: 1) using sport and outdoor as a psychosocial tool and 2) putting the body (Wacquant, 2015) in the heart of our methodological device. The first issue that we will discuss is related to recruitment which, in the framework of a research intervention must be carried out in collaboration with the actors in the field. Since we are targeting young people and adults with mental health problems, the problem of stigmatization of a population during recruitment (Tranchant & al., 2019) and the issues of non-mixing of an intervention program through sport (Moreau et al., 2018) arise. Our action integrates a blue space and a green space (Foley & Kisteman, 2015) as we will alternate between forest and water activities. This raises technical issues regarding the implementation of these activities, but above all, it requires reflection on the risk (real or perceived) inherent in such activities (Parlavecchio et al., 2021). Finally, we will reflect on the place of the body in our data collection strategy (Wacquant, 2015): participant observation (Soulé, 2007) using field note taking (Martineau, 2016); mobile interviews (Carpiano, 2009) and Photovoice.