14–17 Aug 2023
America/Toronto timezone

Sport, Gender, and Display: the Spornosexual Masculinities in Taiwan

17 Aug 2023, 11:20
CRXC240 (Crossroads Building)


Crossroads Building


Ying Chiang (Chihlee University Of Technology)


This essay focuses on the leisure weight training experience of Taiwanese men and their social media self-representations. The “spornosexual” as a new, dominant type of masculinity was coined by Mark Simpson in 2014. It’s a study on modern Taiwanese men’s leisure sport practice and their gender display. This qualitative research adopts semiotic analysis, critical discourse analysis and in-depth interview. The main research purposes are, first, to understand how Taiwanese men adopt, negotiate, or subvert the hegemonic masculinity. Second, the practice and display of spornosexual masculinity in modern Taiwan.

Primary author

Ying Chiang (Chihlee University Of Technology)

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