Abstract. The fatigue life of the bituminous pavement is influenced by the fatigue behavior of each of its constituents. This study focuses on the fa-tigue behavior of bituminous material at two scales: bitumen and mastic. Conventional methods to determine the fatigue life of bitumen using time sweep tests make use of post-processing techniques established for bitumi-nous mixtures and these post-processing techniques make use of linear vis-coelastic parameters for the same. In this study, a new approach based on higher-order harmonic information obtained from a response stress wave-form when subjected to repeated strain-controlled oscillatory shear loading is used. This approach works on the assumption that the occur-rence/evolution of higher-order harmonics in a material exhibiting line-ar/nonlinear response when subjected to repeated loading is attributed to damage. For this, time sweep data at different frequencies and strain ampli-tudes are obtained using the large-amplitude oscillatory shear mode for bi-tumen and mastic under unaged and long-term aged conditions for 20000 cycles. The fatigue life is determined using the new approach involving the use of higher-order harmonics along with two conventional approaches and compared. Also, a fatigue range is established using these approaches to as-certain the influence of strain amplitude, frequency and aging on the fatigue behavior of bitumen and mastic.