23–26 Jul 2024
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Quantitative Evaluation of the Oxygen Retarding Efficiency of Pavement Preventive Maintenance using the Oxygen Diffusion Coefficient of Asphalt Mixtures

25 Jul 2024, 12:00
Room C

Room C


Yuhong Wang (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HKSAR, China)


Abstract. Anti-oxidation is one of the important functions of preventive maintenance for asphalt pavements. The major working principle of preven-tive maintenance’s anti-oxidation is to retard the entrance of oxygen into the asphalt pavements. To advance the quantitative evaluation of preven-tive maintenance’s oxidation resistance, this study investigates the feasi-bility of using the oxygen diffusion coefficient (Ds) of asphalt mixtures to characterize the oxygen-retarding efficiency of preventive maintenance. Specifically, the fog seal, slurry seal and chip seal were selected as the rep-resentatives of asphalt pavement preventive maintenance techniques to prepare surface treated asphalt mixtures. The Ds before and after being treat-ed by these three maintenance techniques were compared to present the ox-ygen-retarding efficiency of preventive maintenance.


Xingyu Chen (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HKSAR, China)

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