23–26 Jul 2024
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Rubberized Asphalt Adapting for a Resilient Society

25 Jul 2024, 14:15
Room A

Room A


Jorge Sousa (Consulpav, Portugal)


Abstract: The process of recycling scrap tire crumb rubber into asphalt pavements has been under continuous improvement for decades. Start-ing as early as the 1950’s various means and methods of incorporating recycled crumb rubber in asphalt have been proposed and applied in var-ious test sections. Starting in the 1970’s patented and proprietary as-phalt rubber products were developed and began to be used in several states, including Arizona, California, Texas, and Florida. These prod-ucts were described as a dry and wet process. The dry process adds crumb rubber to a hot asphalt mix as a rubber aggregate filler and for various reasons is seldom used today. The wet process mixes the crumb rubber with hot asphalt to make a rubberized asphalt binder. The wet process is also widely used throughout the world for seal coating, crack sealing and in all types of hot asphalt mixes. Reacted and activated rubberized (RAR) asphalt is a relatively new material incorporating the good properties of both the wet and dry processes, namely ease of use and quality performance. This paper describes the many advantages of RAR products that are well suited to meeting the challenges of a resili-ent society for an environmentally sustainable future.


George B. Way (Rubberized Asphalt Foundation, USA)

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