Abstract. This study explores the efficient identification of geogrids in road pavements through ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and comprehensive laboratory experiments. Geogrids are crucial in enhancing pavement strength and durability, making their effective detection vital for mainte-nance and longevity. GPR, based on electromagnetic principles, offers a non-destructive and insightful method for evaluating pavement infrastruc-ture. The literature review underscores the gap in studies specifically ad-dressing geogrid detection using GPR in road pavements, motivating the current research. To fill this void, laboratory experiments were conducted, incorporating fiberglass geogrid into asphalt mixtures. The detailed meth-odology outlines the preparation, execution, and data acquisition using GPR, emphasizing careful consideration of antenna polarities. Results high-light the visual identification of geogrids using specific treatments on ra-dargrams, demonstrating the effectiveness of GPR in detecting nuances not readily discernible in untreated images. Graphical representations bridge re-al-world geogrid depictions with radargram simulations, enhancing inter-pretability. The discussion interprets results, emphasizing the influence of geogrid type and GPR antenna position on detection accuracy. Fiberglass geogrid interference prompts considerations for dielectric properties, crucial for optimizing GPR configurations. Practical implications suggest ad-vantages in detecting specific geogrid types. In conclusion, this study con-tributes nuanced insights to geogrid detection methodologies, guiding ad-vancements in non-destructive testing for road pavements. The knowledge gained catalyzes innovation in geogrid applications and detection tech-niques, fostering improved infrastructure management practices.