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Fabio Durastante
(Università di Pisa)
- Speaker at PSCToolkit: hands-on
- Salvatore Filippone (University Rome Tor Vergata)
Yen-Sen Lu
(Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany)
- Speaker at Conclusion for weather forecasting
- Speaker at Crash course in weather forecasting
- Speaker at ESIAS-met hands on with SaaS Portal
- Speaker at Tutorial of weather forecasting application(s)
- D'Ambra Pasqua (IAC-CNR)
Alessandro Pecchia
(Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche)
- Speaker at Conclusion
- Speaker at Graphene electronic bands
- Speaker at Graphene nanoribbons
- Speaker at Introduction
- Speaker at Setup and transport
- Speaker at Si/aSi/Si
Paweł Wolniewicz
- Speaker at Conclusion
- Speaker at SaaS Portal presentation