21–23 Sept 2022
Aalborg University Copenhagen
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

The circadian impact of computer monitors with different color configurations

22 Sept 2022, 15:00
Konferencesalen/Conference Hall

Konferencesalen/Conference Hall


Adrià Huguet-Ferran Dániel Kántor Sergi Hernández Blas Garrido


The objective of this study is to find out if it is possible to achieve the circadian levels recommended by different published lighting guidelines using different color configurations in a text editor. By measuring 25 monitors of different sizes, the circadian impact is evaluated at a standard distance using two different parameters: Circadian Stimulus and Melanopic Equivalent Daylight Illuminance. After analyzing the results, we see that during the night Circadian Stimulus is, in most cases, within the recommended range, but the same is not true for Melanopic Equivalent Daylight Illuminance. In addition, the circadian impact of the f.lux software has been analyzed and compared with two different cases of color configurations in a text editor.

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