21–23 Sept 2022
Aalborg University Copenhagen
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Flames of Aegean: the ec(h)o screams of nature

22 Sept 2022, 10:20



Effie Polydouli Veroniki Korakidou


This paper documents the design process for the creation of a 3d printed luminaire series based on the principles of sustainable product and lighting design. In order to formulate the elements of what sustainable luminaire design should be, the lighting designer, made a recursion contemporary post-industrial design approaches, and concluded to state-of-the-art current trends in sustainable product and lighting design standards, technologies and materials. As a result of this interesting study of the principles of sustainable product and lighting design, this paper presents the design process step-by-step, as well as the sustainability design standards, which led to the final outcome, a series of original lighting fixtures entitled: Flames of Aegean.

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