21–23 Sept 2022
Aalborg University Copenhagen
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Social interaction in local public squares after dark

22 Sept 2022, 11:00
Konferencesal/Conference Hall

Konferencesal/Conference Hall


Vivi Katarina Ruberg Hennig Steve Fotios Niko Gentile Catharina Sternudd Maria Johansson


This paper explores social interaction in local public squares under different lighting conditions. At its best public squares are social spaces that engender a sense of belonging, increase the quality of life and wellbeing of individuals. It is proposed that outdoor lighting would be essential to the use of the public realm after dark, but empirical results regarding lighting conditions and social aspects of life in public squares are limited. Based on a socio-physical conceptual model of the transactional relationship of the user, the lit environment and the behavioural outcome, this study investigated active social interaction in daylight compared to after dark. A field study was conducted in two local public squares in Malmö, Sweden. The occurrences of which visitors were being alone, in pairs, or in groups of three or more (N=2522), and verbal or non-verbal interaction amongst those in company of another person were recorded. The lit appearance of the two squares after dark, was assessed with HDR-photography and photometric measurements; portraying dissimilar spatial, spectral and intensity characteristics. The results of social interaction show dissimilar patterns of the two squares; an increase in social interaction in EL after dark was observed in one of the squares, while a decrease in the afternoon and no significant difference was displayed in the evening after dark in the other square. It is suggested that lighting may sustain patterns of social interaction after dark, however it might be, that the company of another is especially important after dark.

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