21–23 Sept 2022
Aalborg University Copenhagen
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Lean Thinking into the modular construction of industrial buildings. Identifying the role of daylight

22 Sept 2022, 15:00



Theodora Mavridou Lambros Doulos Nikolaos Nanos


The necessity of energy equilibrium in industrial building stock must be addressed at design level in order to optimise use of materials without jeopardising the functional outcome. To do so effectively, the designer should incorporate a light use vs availability balance that will harness as much natural light resources as possible without creating unfavourable conditions due to over-exposure and thermal gains/losses. This work is an exploration between the relationship of sustainability with Lean thinking in the backdrop of sustainable and Lean construction. Exploring the benefits of lean and sustainable construction is about exploring how one can bring about great environmental, economic and social gains with the
minimization of energy use, natural waste, environmental impacts as along with the creation of a healthy and productive work environment are the focus of sustainability in the construction industry. In effect answering how Daylight and Lean Thinking Principles can lead to optimizing Industrial buildings in terms of design and execution.

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