21–23 Sept 2022
Aalborg University Copenhagen
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Strategies for achieving circular economy goals in the lighting industry through design for disassembly- based methodologies

22 Sept 2022, 11:20



Kate Hickcox Aaron Smith


The significance of circular economy and its integration into core strategies for smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth, is increasingly being recognized by individuals, organisations, and nations in recent times. The term ‘Design for Disassembly’ may conjure up images about the end-of-life of a product or its disposal. However, design for disassembly connects to numerous circularity and sustainability goals over the lifetime of a product or project and can have a large impact on the carbon footprint of the product. ‘Design for Disassembly’ is a product development methodology which is in line with the vision of a circular economy, and supports increase in material efficiency, extends product lifetimes and improves recycling efficiency. Reduction of the imposed environmental risks and impact on the climate, by utilising circularity approaches such as remanufacturing, are tied to lowering of carbon footprint. This paper describes specific and actionable approaches that can be applied by luminaire manufacturers, specifiers, and other players in the lighting industry. The readers will learn about current tools and methodologies that can be used to improve iterative design, as well as measure, assess, and compare products or materials.

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