21–23 Sept 2022
Aalborg University Copenhagen
Europe/Copenhagen timezone


Light Collaboration Network Meeting (open for all, registration required)

21 Sept 2022, 14:00


(Open for all)
The Light Collaboration Network meeting gathers professional lighting designers, engineers, manufacturers and many other relevant figures from the lighting design field worldwide. It will be hosted a session based on LCN's recent "Research Get Together", where it is encouraged a communication between light researchers from different fields and to inspire collaboration. This event will engage in some enriching and educational cross-disciplinary discussion but also it will extend your network for professional collaborations, get in contact with the latest projects, as well as new technologies within the lighting design field. Moreover, representatives from Daylight Academy, will also present during the meeting.

For further enquiries about this event, please contact Johannes Lindén, Researcher at University, SWE.
EM.: johannes.linden@design.lth.se

NOTE: Regarding "Daylight Academy" please contact Katharina Wulff, Associate professor at Department of Molecular Biology, Umeå Universitet, SWE EM.:katharina.wulff@umu.se

Presentation materials

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