The first part of this presentation will provide a short review of activities in the framework of the initiative "Fontes Inediti Numismaticae Antiquae" (FINA) since the 2015 International Numismatic Congress in Taormina: a specific focus will be on research projects on numismatic correspondence of the 18th century, as well as on the development of the FINA database now available online (fina.oeaw.ac.at/wiki).
In the second part, the current research project "Ordering the World in Coins", directed by the author at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Vienna), will be presented. This project deals with the development of new systems for arranging ancient coins during the Enlightenment. These ordering systems are examined not only through published works, but also on the basis of unpublished manuscript sources: mainly the correspondence of Joseph Eckhel and his teacher Joseph Khell.