Sep 11 – 16, 2022
University of Warsaw
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Denarii flati

Sep 13, 2022, 3:00 PM
Auditorium Maximum - Hall C

Auditorium Maximum - Hall C


Kyrylo Myzgin (University of Warsaw)


Recent years have seen an increase of information about new finds of unofficial copies of Roman imperial denarii made by casting and a progress in research. While earlier workshops for the production of such coins were known in the Roman provinces, currently there is more evidence for the existence of such workshops in the Barbaricum. At the moment, the greatest concentration of the production of cast denarius coins (at least six workshops) is noted on the territory of modern Ukraine, which in the Late Roman archaeological period was inhabited by the communities of the archaeological Chernyakhiv culture. Most of these coins are made of copper, tin and/or lead-based metal alloys, but some of them are made of high-quality silver as well. In my paper, I propose to use the Latin word “flati” for cast copies of Roman coins, which actually means “manufactured by casting”.

Primary author

Kyrylo Myzgin (University of Warsaw)

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