11–16 Sept 2022
University of Warsaw
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Counterfeit Roman Imperial denarii discovered in Western Moldavia (Romania)

13 Sept 2022, 15:20
Auditorium Maximum - Hall C

Auditorium Maximum - Hall C


Gabriel-mircea Talmațchi (The National History and Archaeology Museum of Constanța) Lucian Munteanu (Romanian Academy, Institute of Archaeology from Iași)


Made either by striking or casting, counterfeit Roman Imperial denarii have been attested on the territory of western Moldavia (Romania). Denarii subaerati, produced by striking, are the most numerous, with approximately the same number noted in hoards (more than 30 pcs.), and among single finds (more than 20 pcs.). Finds of cast denarii are limited at present to specimens found in a single hoard (Iezer), and an individual find. The material of all the cast coins determined by XRF analysis is Cu-Sn-PB alloy. It is difficult to establish if counterfeit denarii found in Western Moldavia were manufactured within the Barbaricum, or were imported from the Roman provinces (Dacia or Moesia Inferior). Other issues related to this specific category of coinage under discussion include their chronological frames and the identity (Dacian or Goth)? of local user communities.

Primary author

Lucian Munteanu (Romanian Academy, Institute of Archaeology from Iași)


Gabriel-mircea Talmațchi (The National History and Archaeology Museum of Constanța)

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