11–16 Sept 2022
University of Warsaw
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Caria and its coinage at the time of the Achaemenids

12 Sept 2022, 11:40
Auditorium Maximum - Hall A

Auditorium Maximum - Hall A


Koray Konuk (CNRS - Institut Ausonius)


Recent research would suggest that some of the earliest coinages of Caria (c. 530-500 BC) were struck in connection with the activities of the Achaemenids, and in some instances, as a reaction to their rule in that region. Carians had their own language and cultural traits that are reflected on some of their coin issues, especially in the 5th century BC. The Greek foundations, all established along the coast, had more conventional coinages displaying little local influence. The next century is marked very much by the coin productions of the members of the Hekatomnid dynasty, which produced one of the first dynastic coinages of the ancient world, foreshadowing the numerous examples of the Hellenistic period.

Primary author

Koray Konuk (CNRS - Institut Ausonius)

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