Sep 11 – 16, 2022
University of Warsaw
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Money and monetization from an urban and merchant perspective

Sep 16, 2022, 2:00 PM
Auditorium Maximum - Hall C

Auditorium Maximum - Hall C


Christoph Kilger (Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala)


The idea of monetization has had a long and successful standing in Scandinavian scholarship. It has been a successful concept for studying the development of medieval economies and the introduction of coinage. At the same time, the significance of towns, merchants and other specialists in monetization has barely been touched upon and discussed. According to Aristotle money is a precondition for the existence of urban life in the Greek polis. Money is a necessary means of meeting the demands and needs of urban professionals. To be accepted as a common conventional means of payment Aristotle stresses the imaginary value of money, something which is implemented and commanded by “nomos” the force of law. Thus, towns and their populations act as economic drivers. In my presentation, I want to develop my thoughts on towns as nurseries, and merchants as pioneers =>avant-garde of monetary practice. Furthermore why is money commensurable and how is it related to “nomos”.

Primary author

Christoph Kilger (Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala)

Presentation materials

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