Sep 11 – 16, 2022
University of Warsaw
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Monetisation processes in medieval visual media

Sep 12, 2022, 11:20 AM
Auditorium Maximum - Hall D

Auditorium Maximum - Hall D


Alexandra Hylla (Salzburg Museum)


Social and economic change left its mark on medieval art. This is true also of the progressing monetisation of European society between the 8th and 13th centuries. This talk will focus on possible correlations between regional tendencies and perception of monetisation processes, and the representation of coins or money in visual art. What influence of the regional status of coined money is shown by the visualisation of money or coins e.g., in figurative monumental sculpture, book illumination or precious metalwork of similar origin and date? Furthermore, the impact of monetisation on the most common and far-reaching visual medium, coinage itself, will be explored: at the early stage of the monetary economy how were coins designed? How do images, flans and inscriptions change parallel to the spread of money? Which supra-regional parallels are to be found?

Primary author

Alexandra Hylla (Salzburg Museum)

Presentation materials

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