Sep 11 – 16, 2022
University of Warsaw
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Ancient Coin Profile of Dharmarajika, Taxila (Pakistan)

Sep 16, 2022, 9:40 AM
Auditorium Maximum - Hall A

Auditorium Maximum - Hall A


Gul Rahim Khan (University of Peshawar)


At Dharmarajika, Marshall picked up 2077 coins which range in date from 3rd century BCE to 5th century CE. Of this assemblage, he illustrated in his comprehensive field report some selected gold and a few copper coins, leaving the remainder unpublished. The site yielded a large number of coins from different periods, quite a few of them found in the form of hoards, obviously donated by the pilgrims and other donors. Some hoards are larger and some smaller in size. The study of these coins reveals an interesting profile and chronology of this Buddhist complex, the latter is yet to be established.
I would like to present my talk on the composition of coin hoards, groups of coins and individual finds unearthed from this particular site. This study will help to understand the chronology of different dynasties who ruled over Taxila, and the cultural and economic profile and prominent position of Dharmarajika in the region.

Primary author

Gul Rahim Khan (University of Peshawar)

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