Sep 11 – 16, 2022
University of Warsaw
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Coin circulation in Lipari (Sicily) from the Greek to the Roman times

Sep 13, 2022, 10:00 AM
Auditorium Maximum - Adam Mickiewicz Hall

Auditorium Maximum - Adam Mickiewicz Hall


Ludovica Di Masi (University of Messina)


The aim of this work is to study the coin circulation of the island of Lipari off the coast of Sicily (Italy). Taking into consideration the numismatic evidence from archaeological excavation campaigns on the site of interest, we focus on the period spanning the Greek and the Roman age.
Although the mint activity of Lipari in the Greek period has been widely examined by many researchers, this will be the first time to make an overview of the data at hand.
The analysis will be conducted mainly of coins currently held in the Luigi Bernabò Brea Archaeological Museum.
Considering the historical background, the following aspects will be studied: coin circulation (continuity or interruption); more common coins; recorded origins of the coins (urban context, necropolis, sanctuary…).

Primary author

Ludovica Di Masi (University of Messina)

Presentation materials

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