The colonies located on the north-western shore of the Black Sea during the 3rd century BC were under the rule of the Thracian king Lysimachos. Their rebellion against Lysimachos led by the colony of Kallatis caused a conflict which continued over several decades, and directly influenced their development, the monetary circulation and their relationships. The aim of this paper is to trace some features of the coin circulation in the local market of Istros following the death of Lysimachos, which included silver drachms of Istros, bronze coins of Macedonian kings Philip II and Alexander the Great, countermarked bronze coins of Lysimachos and bronze coins of Apollo and Demeter types minted by Istros. The presence of some countermarks, both on the coins of Lysimachos and on the bronzes of Istros enables the dating of some monetary issues, and sheds light on the relationships between the Greek colonies in that period.