Sep 11 – 16, 2022
University of Warsaw
Europe/Warsaw timezone

The coins of the Cluny hoard (France, 12th century)

Sep 16, 2022, 2:20 PM
Auditorium Maximum - Hall D

Auditorium Maximum - Hall D


Arianna D'ottone Rambach Guillaume Sarah Marc Bompaire Marc Parvérie Vincent Borrel (CNRS )


In September 2017, an excavation survey at Cluny Abbey (France, Saône-et-Loire) led to the discovery of an exceptional hoard hidden in the 12th century. Composed of silver and gold artefacts, it includes more than 2160 deniers and obols minted in France (mostly in the name of the Cluny Abbey), 21 Almoravid dinars minted in the Western Islamic World (Spain and Morocco), a gold ring with a Roman intaglio and two other gold artefacts.
Five years later, even if this hoard has kept some of its secrets, the research focused on the coins and other items helps to understand how and why the treasure was formed and buried.
This paper will focus specifically on different studies of the coins made by members of our team. In France, this treasure is the first well documented hoard from the 12th century containing both gold and silver coins.

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