Sep 11 – 16, 2022
University of Warsaw
Europe/Warsaw timezone

The striking of aurei at Eastern mints during Tetrarchy (293-313/314)

Sep 15, 2022, 9:20 AM
Auditorium Maximum - Hall B

Auditorium Maximum - Hall B

on-line oral presentation S41. ROME 7. ROMAN IMPERIAL COINAGE 4


Jay Dharmadhikari (Société française de numismatique)


The minting of aurei at Antioch and Alexandria (Eastern diocese) has been the subject of few publications since the works of K. Pink (1931), C.H.V.Sutherland (1967), P. Bastien (1967) and G. Depeyrot (1995). More generally, the minting of gold coins in the third and fourth centuries has been the subject of several high quality studies (notably Bagnall/Bransbourg 2019) but no in-depth study has addressed the significance of gold coinage for these two eastern mints until the introduction of the solidus by Constantine.
The paper will present the gold coinage minted during the Tetrarchy in Eastern mints with special focus on a number of unpublished aurei from Antioch and Alexandria in the period 293-313/314.

Primary author

Jay Dharmadhikari (Société française de numismatique)

Presentation materials

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