Sep 11 – 16, 2022
University of Warsaw
Europe/Warsaw timezone

[⊝ not streamed] Divus Traianus Augustus Parthicus Pater

Sep 12, 2022, 5:00 PM
Auditorium Maximum - Hall B

Auditorium Maximum - Hall B


Bernhard Woytek (Austrian Academy of Sciences)


This paper presents new research on two rare types of Roman imperial coins issued early in Hadrian’s reign, celebrating the emperor’s adoptive father.
The first part of the talk provides an update on the author’s study of the denarius type RIC II2.3, no. 2963 (obv. bust of Trajan, rev. Hadrian sacrificing at an altar), which was published in vol. 178 of NC (2018). This is the only signed issue of restored denarii produced under Hadrian.
In the second part of the paper, a die-study of the sestertii RIC II2.3, nos 104–105 will be presented. This type features the deified Trajan enthroned to the left on the reverse: it is one of very few full-length depictions of Divus Traianus seen on imperial coins. The type will be discussed in its iconographic, historical and archaeological contexts, with a special focus on current research on the temple of the deified Trajan.

Primary author

Bernhard Woytek (Austrian Academy of Sciences)

Presentation materials

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